What to Expect After Tonsil Surgery

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What to Expect After Tonsil Surgery

Is one of your kids about to have a tonsillectomy? Are you due to have your own tonsils out? Welcome to my blog. My name is Anna and I set up this site to help people understand about tonsil surgery and aftercare. Both of my kids had to have their tonsils out when they were younger. Although their doctors were really helpful, I didn't know what to expect, especially after the surgery. So, I wanted to help other people learn from my experience. Hopefully, my posts will help you prepare for the operation and plan ahead for afterwards. It particularly helps to know what you can eat and do after having your tonsils out. Hope you have a smooth recovery!


Four Benefits Of Child Grommets Surgery For Children With Ear Infections

11 May 2023
 Categories: , Blog

The benefits of child grommets surgery can help parents understand the procedure and decide if it's right for their child. Grommets are small devices that are placed in the eardrum to allow fluid to drain. The procedure is also called tympanostomy tubes, or TTOs. It's usually done on children who have frequent ear infections or fluid in their ears. Here are four benefits of child grommets surgery for children with ear infections:  Read More …

What Should You Expect If You Need Sinus Surgery?

11 November 2019
 Categories: , Blog

It may have started off as what would appear to be a simple cold but did not clear up as expected. You may have put the condition down to allergies or "that time of year," but came to realise that this was not something that was going to easily clear up on its own. Unfortunately, this is how some sinus issues develop and you may have an infection that will probably need some extra attention. Read More …

Signs That You Should Visit an ENT Specialist for Tonsil Surgery

11 July 2019
 Categories: , Blog

A common type of surgery is tonsil surgery, which in other terms is also identified as a tonsillectomy. It is often carried out on children since they are the most vulnerable to problems associated with the tonsils, but some adults also go through tonsil surgery. An ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist is the one responsible for carrying out tonsil surgery. The removal of tonsils has many advantages, as it prevents recurring tonsillitis, among other things. Read More …